So I'm relatively recently single, and I want to take a second and point out that this isn't a bad thing, it's actually a very good thing that should be savored and enjoyed for all that it's worth. Plus I need to work on my retaliation for when my mother insists I try dating someone. So here's a list with no explanations because ain't nobody got time for that*.
Free Time
Sometimes nothing is better than a solid evening with friends. Or a run at the gym. Or an impromptu trip to a different city. Without a serious relationship, there's more free time to do things and less of an expectation to spend so much time with one person.
See: Casual Dating
See: Casual Dating
Traveling with a partner is great, but do you know what's even better? Traveling by yourself. You can meet people and talk to strangers and go to the opera with friends of friends and not have to deal with what your partner wants to do.
Traveling with a partner is great, but do you know what's even better? Traveling by yourself. You can meet people and talk to strangers and go to the opera with friends of friends and not have to deal with what your partner wants to do.
It's definitely easier to move from point A to point B if you only have to account for one person's desires, free time and stuff. You can move easier. You can move free-er. You can pick up and go somewhere at the drop of a hat, and you don't have to take someone else's opinion into account.
It's definitely easier to move from point A to point B if you only have to account for one person's desires, free time and stuff. You can move easier. You can move free-er. You can pick up and go somewhere at the drop of a hat, and you don't have to take someone else's opinion into account.
I have this theory, and it's been proven time and time again. The longer you're in a committed relationship, the more and more your friendships begin to suffer. The less time you spend with friends. Not dating someone means you can spend more time with friends, because you don't have a significant other expecting you to spend a bunch of time with them.
I have this theory, and it's been proven time and time again. The longer you're in a committed relationship, the more and more your friendships begin to suffer. The less time you spend with friends. Not dating someone means you can spend more time with friends, because you don't have a significant other expecting you to spend a bunch of time with them.
One less responsibility
One less Christmas present to buy.
One less Christmas present to buy.
Casual Dating
If you want to get dinner with three different guys in the course of the week, you can totally do that. And it's A-OKAY.
If you want to get dinner with three different guys in the course of the week, you can totally do that. And it's A-OKAY.
You can focus on yourself. You can buy yourself that pedicure rather than taking your partner out to dinner. You can spend a night in, reading a poetry book, and you don't have to feel guilty or feel like you should be spending time with your partner.
You can focus on yourself. You can buy yourself that pedicure rather than taking your partner out to dinner. You can spend a night in, reading a poetry book, and you don't have to feel guilty or feel like you should be spending time with your partner.
Nobody else is depending on the choices you make! If you decide you want to move to Rome to pursue a Master's degree for two years, you don't have to worry about pursuing a long term relationship, or worry about uprooting your partner. You have the mobility and freedom to move around and do whatever you want in the future, or even in the present. And it's great.
Nobody else is depending on the choices you make! If you decide you want to move to Rome to pursue a Master's degree for two years, you don't have to worry about pursuing a long term relationship, or worry about uprooting your partner. You have the mobility and freedom to move around and do whatever you want in the future, or even in the present. And it's great.
*Explanations finally added 12/28/2015
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