One of my resolutions for 2016 is to be more active. Now, that doesn't necessarily mean becoming a gym rat (I hate the gym) but it does mean choosing to spend more time moving. I spend all day sitting at a desk, and when I'm not sitting at a desk, I'm probably eating doughnuts or pizza or drinking lattes or laying in bed watching, yeah. I need to choose to spend more time moving and less time stationary.
This is where I'm starting early. I went to the gym last night for the first time in six-ish (!!!) weeks, and it was hard. Mostly because I forgot my headphones, though. I went a mile in ten minutes on the elliptical and managed to jog a little on the treadmill without falling (I broke my patella in the end of July, and went to physical therapy and was back to pretty dang good. But after sitting in desk for six weeks, my right leg isn't exactly ready to run yet.) I lifted some leg weights, too, and my real goal for now is to get my right leg to the point where I can run come January.
Another resolution (that I'm definitely NOT starting yet) is to cut gluttony out of my life. Gluttony is defined as habitual greed or excess in eating, and IMHO, is one of the most overlooked and under-fought sins in life. In preparation for tackling that part of my resolution, I'm going to research a few theories behind why gluttony is a sin.
For starters (and without research, actually) here is my defense for why gluttony is lousy and why we should cut it from our lives:
- It demonstrates an insecurity and distrust in God's nature as provider.
- It implies a greedy intent.
- Foods that lead to gluttony are often not vital to life. Like doughnuts.
Next time, I'll expand on those three things. I'm excited to share this journey with you hooligans.
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